7 Planets and the Moon Aligning Over Tri-States this Friday AM
If you're a fan of sky wonders, might want to get up a little before sunrise this Friday morning as a historic alignment will be taking place. 7 planets and the moon will all be in alignment that won't repeat for another 18 years.
I first saw this rare sky moment mentioned by Accuweather. They said that 5 planets and the moon will align, but that's just to the naked eye. The truth is that 7 planets will all appear to be in order as this video points out.
The summer solstice will be at 4:13am on Tuesday, June 21. That means that the 7 planet alignment will happen almost exactly 3 days later. Is it a sign?
Mashable gave some tips on how to view this historic planet moment and also specified that this is that rare time when "the planets are visible in their natural order from the sun". It hasn't happened since 2004 and won't be replicated until 2040. Spacey.
If you've been waiting to do something major in your life "when the planets align", you are officially out of excuses as of this Friday morning an hour before sunrise.