2016 Engineers’ Report: Replacing Plumbing at Vets Home Cheaper than State Officials Report
A report obtained by The Associated Press shows engineers told Gov. Bruce Rauner's administration in 2016 that replacing problematic plumbing at the Illinois Veterans’ Home in Quincy would cost $8 million, much lower than the estimate provided by state officials.
The report from Belleville-based BRiC Partnership said the changes "should be carefully considered." But the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs took no action on the August 2016 recommendation for the home. Legionnaires' disease - borne by infected water vapor - has led to 13 deaths there since 2015.
Veterans' Affairs Director Erica Jeffries has said the report estimated replacement at up to $30 million.
Jeffries' spokesman Dave MacDonna says officials have followed experts' advice at Quincy.
Emails obtained by the AP show the agency made an "emergency" request last month to replace plumbing.