WORDLE of the Tri-States
Wordle is one of the most popular games in the world right now, so what words that are famous in the Tri-States would be great words to guess in Wordle?
If you don't know what Wordle is, it is a popular website guessing game where you have 6 attempts to guess a 5 letter word. For example, if the word is STEAM and your first guess is SHOVE, Wordle will show you that you got the S right and in the right spot and that there is an E in the word but not in the right spot, and you would guess again until you run out of guesses or you get it right if you'd like to play CLICK HERE!
So here is a list of 5 letter words that Wordle could use that we all know well here in the Quincy/Hannibal Tri-State area.
-Adams (for Adams County)
-Maine (Maine St. in Quincy)
-Rebel (Rebel Pig in Palmyra)
-Titan (Titan International)
-White (White St. in Canton)
-Lover (Lover's Leap in Hannibal)
-Muddy (Big Muddy BBQ in Hannibal)
-Dutch (Dutch Country General Store in Hannibal)
-Yummy (Yummy's Donuts)
-Flinn (Flinn Memorial Stadium)
-South (South Park)
-Thyme (Thyme Square)
-Cedar (Cedar Creek)
-Abbey (The Abbey)
-Unity (Unity High School)
-Twain (Mark Twain)
-Point (Camp Point)
-Happy (Happy China in Palmyra)
This list is just a small beginning to what could be hundreds of keywords that we associate with the Tri-States, honestly, it is hard keeping them to 5 letters there were plenty more places and names I wanted to add to this list but as I spelled them out I realized they were 6 letter words. Which 5 letter words would you add to the list?