Weather Related Cancellations for Sunday, January 7
We have these cancellations to report for Sunday, January 7 due to the threat of wintry precipitation:
Akers Chapel, Hull, services cancelled
Assembly of God, Warsaw, services cancelled
Barry United Methodist Church, services cancelled
Bright Star Parish United Methodist Churches, Pike County, Illinois, services cancelled
Crossroad Church, Quincy, services cancelled
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Hannibal, services cancelled
First Baptist Church, Canton, services cancelled
First Baptist Church, Paris, services cancelled
First Christian Church, New London, services cancelled
First Christian Church, Quincy, services cancelled
First Presbyterian Church, Hannibal, services cancelled
First United Methodist Church, Hannibal, services cancelled
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Carthage, services cancelled
LaGrange Christian Church, services cancelled
Oakwood Christian Church, Hannibal, services cancelled
Our Savior Lutheran, Monroe City, services cancelled
Park Chapel Baptist Church, Palmyra, services cancelled
Pea Ridge Community Church, Philadelphia, services cancelled
Plainville United Methodist Church, services cancelled
Prince Avenue Baptist Church, Hannibal, services cancelled
Quincy Unitarian Church, Services cancelled
Scott's Chapel United Methodist Church, Hannibal, services cancelled
Union United Methodist Church, Quincy, services cancelled
Unity Church of Quincy, services cancelled
Zion Lutheran Church, Liberty, services cancelled
Zion Lutheran, Palmyra, services cancelled