Watch Mizzou Researchers Open a Time Capsule Buried in 1899
In the late 1800's, University of Missouri students and faculty buried a time capsule near Parker Hall on the Mizzou campus. Now, over 100 years later, it's been opened by researchers and you can see what's inside here.
There are 3 buildings being demolished on the University of Missouri campus. As that work was beginning, someone noticed that one of the building's cornerstones had a time capsule in it that no one else knew about. According to the time capsule, it had been buried by faculty and staff way back in 1899. That led to this interesting peek back into life at Mizzou 123 years ago.
Gateway Explorer just shared this interesting moment on YouTube with the following backstory:
Together with 1923 Guy L. Noyes Hospital/Noyes Hall & 1936 Student Health Center/Old Student Health Building, 1889 William L. Parker Memorial Hospital/Parker Hall made up MIZZOU’s first hospital. The hospital opened in 1901 and closed in 1956 when the current University Hospital opened at 1 Hospital Drive...On September 2, I noticed a time capsule inside Parker’s 1900 cornerstone which was set off to the side at the construction site...Eventually, the time capsule opening was scheduled for 7:30 AM on October 11, 2022 at MIZZOU’s Jesse Hall. This is the footage from that event. MIZZOU’s President Mun Y. Choi, MIZZOU’s School of Medicine Dean Richard J. Barohn, and I opened it. Two guys from MIZZOU Archives helped out.
What did students and faculty in 1899 think was important to be preserved? Watch for yourself.
Inside they found many research papers, coins, letters from students and a Bible. One of the coins was a half-dollar coin from 1873.
There's a hope that the items found in this time capsule will be photographed and shared online so that everyone can see what students and faculty at the University of Missouri in 1899 thought was important.