Watch Bald Eagles Cruise Down the Mississippi River on Ice Blocks
If you're a bald eagle, what do you do in winter? Answer: anything you dang well please. That includes cruising down the Mississippi River on ice blocks if you so choose.
This is another one of those moments that isn't completely new, but it's new to me. I just found it and saw in the comments that it was featured on national news channels a couple years ago. I fully understand why.
If our national bird makes you feel patriotic, this will be the most patriotic video of ice on the Mississippi River you'll ever witness.

When our family moved back to the tri-states this past year, we ended up in a home that is right in the middle of bald eagle country. It's not safe to be a prairie dog where we are. We will often see eagles venturing to and from the river and it never gets old. They are the one bird that seems to thrive during winter. I'm sure the concept of hitching a ride on an ice block is nothing new to this eagle.
Both Missouri and Illinois have great eagle watching locations especially during the winter. Next time you're near the Mississippi River, might also want to keep an eye on the ice flow. Might have a representation of America on it.
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