This Missouri Metal Detector Found a Super-Rare 1877 Penny
If you've ever gone metal detecting, you likely have heard that one of the most sought-after coins in the 1877 Indian Head Penny. One of these rare coins was indeed found in Missouri.
A national YouTube channel that specializes in unique finds while metal detecting shared this incredible discovery in Missouri.

As seen in the video, this 1877 Indian Head Penny was in great condition.
USA Coin Book estimates that a 1877 Indian Head Penny like this one is worth at least $1,000 in poor condition. If it's in great condition and was not circulated, you can be looking at more than $5,000. Here's their exact wording:
USA Coin Book Estimated Value of 1877 Indian Head Penny is Worth $1,226 in Average Condition and can be Worth $4,333 to $5,126 or more in Uncirculated (MS+) Mint Condition.
That's a pretty sweet find no matter where your metal detector is looking.
For fun, I decided to find out what the most rare coin that's ever been found while metal detecting and found a story from The Hill which shared how a guy in England found one of the first coins ever created in that country under King Henry III which is valued at a half million dollars.
I believe this 1877 Indian Head Penny was found a few years ago, but still remains one of the most unique metal detecting finds in the state.