Ten Hurt, Five Seriously, in Area Traffic CrashesTen Hurt, Five Seriously, in Area Traffic CrashesTwo are hurt, one seriously, in a single vehicle crash on Marion County Route MM west of Hannibal at 11:10 a.m. Monday.Harold SmithHarold Smith
Eight Hurt, Three Seriously, in Weekend Area Traffic CrashesEight Hurt, Three Seriously, in Weekend Area Traffic CrashesFour are hurt, three seriously and one is ticketed in a car/ATV crash in rural Payson just after 4 p.m. Saturday.Harold SmithHarold Smith
Eleven Hurt, Two Seriously, in Area Weekend Traffic CrashesEleven Hurt, Two Seriously, in Area Weekend Traffic CrashesThree are hurt, two seriously, in a two car crash on Highway 6 west of Brashear in Adair County at 6:50 a.m. Friday.Harold SmithHarold Smith
Five Hurt, One Seriously, in Weekend Area Traffic CrashesFive Hurt, One Seriously, in Weekend Area Traffic CrashesFive people are injured, one seriously, in three separate traffic crashes in northeast Missouri and western Illinois over the weekend.Harold SmithHarold Smith