A much-anticipated documentary that tells the story of actor Hal Holbrook and his 60 year portrayal of Mark Twain will preview this fall in Hannibal.

The movie is entitled, "Holbrook/Twain: An American Odyssey." It is set for general release next spring. A preview of the finished product comes to Parker Theater on the campus of Hannibal-LaGrange University Saturday, October 25 at 2 p.m. Arrangements are being made to have one of the producers of the movie in Hannibal for the preview. Tickets will be $12.50 and the event will serve as a fund raiser for the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum.

The showing of the documentary is the highlight of a full fall season at the museum.

Interview with Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum Executive Director Henry Sweets and Marketing and Community Relations Manager Melissa Cummins 

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