New COVID-19 Cases in Lewis, Hancock, Pike IL
Another day, more confirmed cases of COVID-19 around northeast Missouri and western Illinois.

The Lewis County Health Department Wednesday reported eight new coronavirus cases.
The age range among the new cases runs from 10 to 90.
There have been 82 COVID cases in Lewis County, with 15 active, 64 recovered and three deaths.
In Hancock County, health department and hospital officials there report three new lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus, males from their 20s to their 50s, all recovering at home, with two connected to other positive cases.
Hancock County has had 152 total cases, with 27 active, 123 recoveries and two deaths.
The Pike County, Illinois Health Department reported one new COVID case Wednesday, a female in her 60s.
That brings the Pike County total to 84, with 20 active cases, five hospitalizations and 64 recoveries.
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