Make Sure You Know These 6 New Laws in Missouri
Missouri Governor Mike Parsons signed into law on Thursday, June 16 six new laws that if you live in Missouri you will need to know.
Get our free mobile app reports that these go into effect immediately. Bill SB 718 Designates HBCU Week and modifies provisions regarding higher education. Basically means the third week in September is dedicated to the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Devemplement.
“We are happy to be joined by Senator Washington and Representative Shields to sign SB 718 into law,” Governor Parson said. “
- SB 799 - Modifies the offense of escaping from custody
- HB 2162 - Opioid Addiction Treatment
- SB 725 - Modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services
- HB 1472 - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of money laundering
- SB 655 - Changes Made to Local Government Employees' Retirement Systems
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