Jefferson City, MO ranked as one of the 10 Worst State Capitals
According to one website, Jefferson City is nothing to write home about, and in fact, the site believes there aren't many state capital cities worse than Jeff City.
A website called took the time to rank all 50 State Capitals from 50 (being the worst) all the way down to one, and Jefferson City in Missouri ended up in the bottom 10 of the list. The site has Jefferson City ranked 43rd on the list of State Capitals, only ahead of capital cities like Jackson, MS, Augusta, ME, and Baton Rouge, LA. The site says one of the major issues is that Jefferson City doesn't have an Interstate Highway that serves it, and goes on to say...
"It's difficult to find a capital city that is more affordable than Jefferson City. The median rent is $621 per month, while the median home value is $145,000. Of course, with affordability often comes a lack of charm or interesting things to do."
Harsh... To see the full list for yourself click here!
Full disclosure I have never spent a weekend or even a night in Jefferson City, I have driven through a couple of times and it seemed nice. I will say in the almost three years of me living on the Illinois/Missouri border not once has anyone recommended I take a long weekend and check out Jefferson City.
For what its worth this list is quite odd, they have a town like Springfield, IL, a very nice town that I have been to many times, ranked at 21st on the list which is higher than they have cities like Indianapolis at 23rd, Des Moines, IA at 31st, and Pheonix, AZ at 33rd. The top 3 State Capital Cities on this list are Austin, Texas 3rd, Madison, Wisconsin 2nd, and Boston, Massachusetts 1st.