Jurassic Missouri? Trail Cam Video Shows Velociraptor, But Wait
Do you know when your eyes are deceiving you? I ask this because there really is a Missouri trail cam that appears to show a velociraptor dinosaur (yes, like the ones in Jurassic Park). But, there's more than just what your eyes see going on here.
Before I share some other details about this video, watch it for yourself as it tells the (alleged) story of a Missouri hunter who heard strange sounds in the woods so he placed some trail cams in the area. About 1 minute in, this is what appears to be running in front of the camera.
Now, watch the video in real time and see what you think.
The comments on YouTube appear that most believe this is legit:
That's a real prehistoric animal
Is this for real??
A comment from a guy named Brian brings up the point everyone should be considering:
If there was any truth in his creature being alive today, the entire eco system of that area would be in a turmoil, animals would be fleeing the area in panic, etc
This is a brilliantly done video and has become a fun conversation on the Missouri sub-Reddit. Yes, dinosaurs once DID exist in Missouri, but raptors were never a part of that according to A-Z Animals. No, this video obviously does not show a real raptor, but a really well done video layer imposed on another I believer. It's clever, but no there is no Jurassic Missouri that I know of. Yet.