Northern Lights May Be Visible in Missouri & Illinois Tuesday
It would be a good idea to pay attention to the sky Tuesday night especially over northern Missouri as there's at least a chance the Northern Lights will be visible thanks to recent solar flares.
I am always wary of sharing news of possible aurora borealis sightings since it's so difficult to see them this far south in Missouri and Illinois. However, it happened last night as Dan Bush captured a picture from Albany, Missouri. Here's the video of what Dan shared.
Space Weather says it could happen again Tuesday night and Fox 2 out of St. Louis confirmed the chance.
Once again, there is no certainty as it's very difficult to forecast space weather. Believe it or not, it's harder than even the terrestrial weather meteorologists work with.
What causes the Northern Lights?
The Northern Lights Centre says they are "the result of collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth's atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere".
One thing to note. Last time I shared a forecast that said the Northern Lights might be visible, I was completely wrong as in "massive fail". Let's hope this isn't a repeat. My wife says she thinks this forecast is wrong and she's almost always right. (or so I'm told)
My advice would be to check for updates on the Space Weather website for updates later on Tuesday to see what might be developing. There's nothing quite like seeing the Northern Lights yourself if and when they're visible. It's definitely something rare for our part of America in Missouri and Illinois.