It's true. The one thing that everyone possesses is an opinion. I have no problem with a recent British visitor who had two words to describe Illinois, but he/she/it should have been more polite about it.

I can't even remember when this map was first shared on Reddit. I've seen it before and more or less ignored it. I've seen it shared again and now I'm not gonna keep my mouth shut. Before I give my 2 cents, here's the map showing the description of Illinois and other states in America by this British "royal".

How I, a Brit, see the United States (Sorry if it offends anyone)
byu/DavidMcFarlanee inMapPorn

What does this UK transplant think of Illinois? "Nothing Special". Oh, really?

Let me say that I have been fortunate to have several friends from England over the years and they're a hoot. Played racquetball with an English fellow who used curse words that I didn't know were curse words. They sounded like excerpts from a Monty Python movie (which explains a lot).

Final thought. This person from the UK was obviously trying to be funny and most of the map is kind of funny. Kentucky being "chicken" as in fried is accurate. I was always told to keep my mouth shut if I didn't have something nice to say. Admittedly, I don't always do that. However, when I go visit another place or country, I view myself as a guest and hope to be polite even if the place I'm visiting isn't exciting.

If I am ever fortunate enough to visit England, I'll try not to make an insulting map after I leave. Maybe.

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