How To View Friday’s Black Moon (And What A Black Moon Is)
The once in every 32 month lunar event known as the Black Moon arrives on Friday here in the Western Hemisphere, and if you'd like to view this unusual celestial event, it may be just a bit tricky. The snarky answer is obviously "Go outside and look up." But it isn't that simple. You see, a Black Moon is the second New Moon in a calendar month. And if you remember your lunar phases, the New Moon is the one we can't see.
So you can't see the Black Moon. Unless you have a really good telescope. Or you catch the little sliver of the crescent on either end of the night, but then it's not really the new moon. But if you find yourself out and about after dark this Friday night, early Saturday morning, turn your head upwards. If you can make out totally blank circular area that is roughly moon sized, then kudos to you! You just saw the Black Moon. It's certainly more rare than the lunar eclipse (two-to-five per year), the Blue Moon (once per year), about as rare as the Blood Moon (during a total eclipse, when the moon has a coppery color, about once every couple years), but nowhere near as rare as the Super Moon (saw one in 2015, won't see one again until 2033). Visit to find out more about the Black Moon.
The important thing to remember about Black Moon, Blue Moon, Blood Moon and Super Moon is that none of those are scientific terms, they're all based around ancient superstition or modern branding. And unfortunately none of them bestow you with super powers and/or immortality.