City Council Hears Concerns About Concert Venue
Not everyone is excited about an upcoming concert to be held in a field off Market Street in Hannibal.
The Hannibal BBQ Festival is planned for July 26-28 and features performing artists Clint Black, Craig Morgan, and Russell Dickerson. The venue is an open field located at 4015 Market.
Janeice Hudson spoke to the Hannibal City Council Tuesday evening. She stated she and her husband Brad were representing a group of residents in the nearby Collison Avenue and New London Gravel Road area. She presented a petition in opposition signed by about 13 nearby residents. Hudson stated past events have resulted in trash and debris left in yards,parked cars congesting the streets, and excessive noise. Although the venue is in a commercial zone, she displayed a diagram of the area in which she maintained the concert site is less than 370 feet from some residences in the area. Hudson also said other venues are more appropriate for such events, such as Tanyard Gardens or Mark Twain Cave.
The council took no action to halt the event, but did vote to close Collison and the west end of New London Gravel Road to concert-goers for that weekend. City Attorney James Lemon said the police would be checking the area during the event to see if noise levels exceeded city ordinances. The council also called the promoter--referred to as Mr. Krigbaum--to the podium to discuss the issues. He was told it was possible the " sound man" could be subject to arrest if volume was excessive. Lemon also said violations of the noise ordinance could result in future events being banned.
In other business:
Hayburner Pedal Pub Pitched to Council
The Hannibal City Council heard a proposal to launch a pedal version of a party bus in the downtown area. James Zimmerman of Coolbyke pitched the Hayburner Pedal Pub to the city Tuesday evening. The 4-wheel pedal cycle can transport 9 people with 6 pedalers.
Zimmerman proposes evening excursions for those over 21 include a stop at Mark Twain Brewery, where beer could be purchased and consumed aboard the vehicle. The driver in front would be a non-drinker.
Lemon told the council the venture would be in violation of current city ordinance, which prohibits open liquor in any vehicle. It was suggested Zimmerman first present his plans to the Historic Hannibal Marketing Council for their input. Lemon said rather than issue a variance, he will draft a revised open liquor ordinance for the council to consider at its next meeting. Lemon also stressed consumption of liquor by passengers aboard the vehicle was not a violation of state law, and any change to the city ordinance would be drafted to comport with state statutes.
Stormwater Maintenance Responsibility Defined
Heath Hall of the Hannibal Board of Public Works presented guidelines for responsibility of stormwater-related systems in Hannibal. The council approved the recommendations as follows:
The City of Hannibal Department of Public Works will be responsible for the floodwall and floodwall gates B and C, floodwall storm basin and pumps, all above ground conveyances, inlets and grates, city-owned stormwater basins, and culverts under roadways.
The Board of Public Works is responsible for below ground conveyances, inlet structures, stormwater manholes, Bear Creek Dam, and floodwall gates A, D, E, and G.