Missouri has some great waterparks, and I am sure many of you have visited them a time or two. This waterpark in Joplin, Missouri looks like it used to be a fun place to swim, now it just rots away.

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WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

I couldn't find exactly when this park closed or why, but this small waterpark in Joplin, I am sure was once a fun place to go swimming on hot summer days. There are plenty of water slides throughout the park. I think I even spot a lazy river (my favorite), but the park now just sits with overgrown trees, weeds, and rotting wood.

The ladders to the slides look a bit sketchy and severely broken. If you explore something like this always be careful, and maybe avoid wooden steps like these anyway that stay in the weather climate all year.

I always wonder when I write about abandoned places why the city, county, state, or whoever lets the owners keep these places up. I mean what is the point? If you're not using it ever again, and I am sure plenty of people try and get in to play around and could get hurt why not tear these abandoned places down? I am sure money is a big part of the equation, and it's always cool to get to watch people explore these abandoned places.

8 Photos of Abandoned Missouri Waterpark

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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