Do you think you can stay at one of these haunted Missouri hotels?

I’ll talk up ghost hunts all day long, cheer on my friends who have the guts to explore spooky places and get excited over paranormal investigations. But would I stay in a haunted place? Not without every light on, a trio of flashlights, and a partner in crime by my side! In other words, I’m the biggest chicken on the ghost-hunting block.

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Haunted Missouri Hotels

According to, Missouri has its fair share of haunted hotels, and there’s a nifty road map to help you find them. Oh, and Hannibal made the list at number two.

So, would you dare spend a night there, knowing there’s paranormal activity rumored around every corner? Maybe you’re braver than me, and that thrill-seeking side is ready to take it on. As for me, watching it all on TV from my couch is scary enough!

8 Missouri Haunted Hotels To Stay At (If You Dare)

Missouri is home to some of the most active paranormal activity and ghost sightings. Here's 8 hotels which are considered some of the most haunted hotels in Missouri.

Gallery Credit: Google Maps

Imagine stepping into a place where people report hearing voices, screams, footsteps, or even seeing creepy mists floating by. Just the idea sends a shiver down my spine, so no amount of cash (okay, maybe a million dollars… maybe) could get me to stay overnight.

But if you’re game, grab some friends, map out the route, and see if you can make it through the night alone. You may come back with a story to share—if you dare!

BOO: These are the scariest haunted roads in America

Brace yourself for the next turn. breaks down the most haunted roadways in America. 

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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