188 New Cases, Six More Area COVID Deaths Thursday
Along with Adams County’s 76 new confirmed cases, health department officials reported another 28 cases and one additional COVID related death in western Illinois Thursday.

The Hancock County Health Department reported 16 new coronavirus cases, running their case total to 1,191, with 270 isolated, four hospitalized and 24 deaths.
There were ten new COVID cases reported in Pike County. Their case total is now 1,225, with 120 active, 16 hospitalized and 33 deaths.
The Brown County Health Department reported its sixth COVID related death, a male in his 70s.
There were also two new cases reported in Brown County, with 57 active and two hospitalized.
There were 84 new cases and five more deaths due to COVID-19 around northeast Missouri Thursday.
The Marion County Health Department reported 41 new cases of coronavirus, along with three additional deaths.
The Marion County case total is now 2,612, with 314 active, 21 hospitalized and 39 deaths.
In Lewis County, officials reported 20 new COVID cases, bringing their total cases to 754, with 54 active and 12 deaths.
The Shelby County Health Department reports 18 new coronavirus cases and two additional deaths since Monday.
The Shelby County case total stands at 443, with 28 active, two hospitalized and now six deaths.
Clark County reported five new positive cases of COVID Thursday. Their case total is now 547, with 20 active, one hospitalized and 20 deaths.
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