104 New Coronavirus Cases in Northeast Missouri Monday
Over a hundred new cases of COVID-19 were reported around northeast Missouri Monday.

The Marion County Health Department reported 49 new coronavirus cases, bringing their total to 1,089, with 161 active, five hospitalized, 914 recovered and 14 deaths.
Officials in Clark County report 27 new COVID cases since Friday, age zero to 80-plus, including two Clark County R-1 students.
The Clark County COVID total is now 228, with 59 active, six hospitalized, 156 recovered and seven deaths.
The Lewis County Health Department reported 24 new coronavirus cases Monday, from age zero to 100. There have now been 333 total cases in Lewis County, with 67 active, 260 recovered and six deaths.
And, in Ralls County, officials report four new COVID cases since Friday, bringing their total to 248, with 23 active, four hospitalized and 225 recovered.
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