If I could right one wrong in the world, it would be this one right here. There are 9 Missouri families who's kids have seemingly disappeared just during the month of August. Surely someone knows something that could bring them home safely.
This is not the first time I've seen something strange over Missouri and it likely won't be the last either. However, I've never seen an unidentified flying object rise up to meet another one like happened not that long ago over Lee's Summit, Missouri as a new video share reveals.
To this day, no one knows exactly what it was or why it was there. The only thing that is known is a mysterious cube-like object traveled over several parts of Missouri and thousands of eyewitnesses swear it was real. It's the bizarre event many in the state call the Missouri Cube Incident.
Unlike some modern school curriculums, not everyone gets a prize when it comes to hospitals and safety. That's why it's great news that a newly-updated national ranking has given 14 Missouri hospitals a stellar A rating for patient safety.
There are a lot of ways to tell if you're having a good year. If you're a person, perhaps that means you're making more money than the previous year. If you're a city, you suddenly find yourself ranked as a best place to live which is exactly what happened to a Missouri city recently.
They once rode with Jesse James. Now, three of the most notorious outlaws all lie together forever in one Missouri cemetery although they took entirely different roads to get there.