We haven't even started March in Missouri, but Farmer's Almanac is peering even further into the future with a prediction of big snow possible for the Show Me State in April...sort of.
How much do you trust weather forecasters? Do you trust new technology more or old-school forecasting like Farmer's Almanac? How you answered will decide how you feel about the brand new Farmer's Almanac prediction about spring in Missouri in 2024.
It's the eternal question. Will your Missouri town have a white Christmas? Farmer's Almanac recently weighed in on the chances your ground will be white when you open presents in the Show Me State this year.
I will admit that weather is hard to predict, so there's a good chance that I'm completely wrong and a dire prediction for Missouri and Illinois for the first week of December is accurate. Let's pray it's not.
Have you ever asked a question then immediately regretted it? That's exactly what happened to me when I asked Farmer's Almanac when Missouri would see its first real snow of the season. When I got the answer, I was very sorry for the question.
I've never been accused of being the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I'm having a hard time understanding how a new forecast calling for more bone-chilling arctic air in Missouri this coming winter is the sun's fault.
It's hard to imagine winter when temperatures are in the 90's if not triple digits. But, you need to know that Farmer's Almanac is already looking ahead to the upcoming winter for 2023/2024 and they predict it will include a surprise blizzard for Illinois.
I am normally a fan of sunshine. But, even I would prefer that Missouri would see a lot more moisture and that's exactly what Farmer's Almanac is predicting for July. Let's hope they're correct.
We had a very mild winter and now I think we are about to pay for it. The Farmers Almanac is predicting the Midwest to have a sizzling scorcher summer.