If you ask me now, I'd say that Fall is my favorite season. If you ask me in late winter, I'd probably say Spring. I do love when the Fall colors begin to get good in Missouri and I've found some helpful maps to figure out when that will be.
It's hard to believe that we're only about a month away from the beginning of leaves changing color as Fall gets closer. There are maps and dates that will give you an idea when it will begin and peak in each different part of Illinois.
I will admit that I'm not much of a fashionista so colors in my wardrobe aren't very important to me. Perhaps I should give that more thought though as there is real science behind the colors Missouri mosquitos love the most.
We have many wonderful Amish communities that thrive throughout Missouri. Not many outsiders fully understand their lifestyle or their traditions, but there are new insights into surprising rules that Amish women in Missouri absolutely must follow.
I understand the science, but I'm not sure many in Missouri are ready for this concept to become reality. Should a 4th traffic light color be added to the traditional scheme? I predict the reason why will anger many.