When is a penny worth 10,000 bucks? Answer - not very often. But, there are 3 pennies you can hypothetically find in Missouri that all feature mistakes that could make them worth 5 figures easily.
Time to check those coins again as there's one in the wild that could be worth thousands. If you come across a 1932 Missouri quarter, spin that bad boy around because one letter on the back could mean you're about to cash in real money.
When I think of valuable coins, I think of those held by collectors that end up going to auction. In this case, that's not accurate. You might want to check your Missouri pennies as one was found in circulation that later sold for 18,000 bucks.
A penny for your thoughts? If you find this 1995 penny in Missouri, that thought could be putting more than $5,000 in your bank account if it happens to have a rare error that's easy to spot.
I was taught that a quarter is always worth 25 cents, but I've learned that's not always true. There is in fact one quarter that is worth more than $80,000 and it's possible it could be hiding in Missouri in someone's pocket or piggy bank.
I have found one thing that the internet is very good at. The web has helped me understand that I need to check the change in my pocket more often. One example is a buffalo nickel you can potentially find in Missouri that will make you rich if it has one tiny error and it's simple to spot.
When I was a kid, my dad started me collecting coins and stamps. I wish I had stuck with that as there is a wheat penny you could potentially find in Missouri that could be worth thousands - maybe even up to 200,000 bucks.
There are certain things you can expect to happen in Missouri. The weather will change radically inside of a 10 minute period. Mushrooms will be found in Spring. Mosquitos will make outside life kind of miserable in July. One Missouri man did something very unexpected though when he went metal detecting and found a more than 80 year old Australian coin.