See Inside a Decommissioned Underground Bunker in Missouri
As the lyrics go "It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine". That song would be a perfect soundtrack for a decommissioned underground bunker in Missouri which is now visible thanks to a new video share.

DEFCON Underground Manufacturing is a Missouri company who turns spaces into bomb shelters, underground bunkers and storm shelters. They recently toured a decommissioned underground bunker in Missouri to show what it's like down there after not being seen by humans for decades.
No exact location was given for this bunker because that would kind of defeat the purpose of preparing a space meant to shelter individuals in the event of worst-case scenarios in the world, but they are based out of Independence, Missouri, so you can safely assume it's in that vicinity. They'll turn this space into a home for someone.
What is interesting about what they do with underground spaces like the one in the video is they convert it into like-new spaces at all different levels of need. They're not cheap with a standard what they refer to as "DEFCON 5" bunker starting at around $125,000 based on their website.
I've seen quite a few decommissioned bunkers available around the country, but this is one that seems to be right in our backyard (more or less). Something like this doesn't require a full-scale nuclear war to be valuable. Who wouldn't want a fully-functional storm shelter in the event that our area gets hammered by a killer tornado?
Thanks to recent world events, it seems like real estate like this that lies underground is more appealing than ever.
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