Quincy Chamber Announces 2017 Dogwood Parade Winners
The Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce announced the award winners for the 2017 Dogwood Festival Parade Saturday.
WINNER: Quincy University Aviation Club
The float featured a model of the City of Quincy for the base, and several metal hot air balloons featuring a variety of companies in the community. The model hot air balloons literally float around the model city.
WINNER: 2X4’s for Hope
The elaborate float featured a large globe with colorful hands holding it up and a small home made out of 2-by-4s.
WINNER: Quincy High School (QHS) Key Club
The float featured a paper tree on a flatbed with each leaf showing the name of an organization that the Key Club is connected to.
Dogwood Parade floats are judged by Chamber staff on the use of the parade theme, which was “Community Connections.” Other criteria are: appealing to the eyes, creativity and originality, quality of workmanship, and use of people. The Mary Lou Kent Theme Award is for the float with the best use of the parade theme. The Governor’s Award goes to a float that’s larger than 10 feet in length, and the Mayor’s Award goes to a float that’s 10 feet in length or shorter. This year’s parade was sponsored by Adams Fiber and Blessing Health System.