New Pirate Pride Drone Video Shows What Hannibal Needs to Improve
If you're curious what can be done to improve facilities at Hannibal schools, look no further than a new drone video that shows the many areas of need from the air.
If there were a special forces of drone video pilots, I'm pretty sure Hannibal's Dave Hirner would be a Captain. His Flying Squirrel Aerial Optics YouTube channel explained why this video was made:
The Hannibal School District Pirate Pride Project in Hannibal Missouri.
Hannibal is hoping to make $11 million in upgrades to Porter Stadium and Veterans Sports Complex and the Pirate Pride Project will help to raise that money.
Many of the gates and facilities at Dr. E.A. Porter Stadium date back to before I played there way back in 1984.
It's a pretty long list when you factor in the ticket booths, non-functioning gates, etc. For sure, replacing football fields and expanding tracks doesn't come cheap. As the Hannibal Courier-Post reported a few weeks ago, some of these upgrades are already underway with new turf for the football field being one of those things already in action.
I'm certainly no fundraising expert or landscaper, but I do know that when a feature in the Hannibal School system is old to me, it must be really old (or at least that's what my kids tell me).
If nothing else, Dave's birds-eye drone video shows you what many Hannibal school landmarks look like from high above. For me, that's 10 minutes of my time well-spent.
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