Some Loser (or Losers) Just Stole From a Missouri Rabbit Rescue
How do you know you're dealing with a low-life? Answer: when that person or persons steal from an animal rescue which is unfortunately what just happened in Missouri.

I saw this story shared by KMOV in St. Louis. It's about a recent theft from the House Rabbit Society in Fenton, Missouri. It wasn't a small theft either. 48 crates of supplies were taken from their shed last Friday.
I checked the official House Rabbit Society website and these people do nothing but try and help save rabbits. That's it. For someone to try and take advantage of these kind people is infuriating.
If this ticks you off also and you'd like to do something about it, they do have a donate link on their website plus it seems like they're a very reputable place to adopt a bunny from if you're so inclined.
Let's hope that local Missouri law enforcement can find the person or persons guilty of this theft. You have to believe it wouldn't end well for a person in prison who goes there for stealing from rabbits.