Sudden Bizarre Warnings from Ai About 4 Illinois Places to Avoid
Every time I think I understand technology, something like this happens. During some recent research involving artificial intelligence, a strange conversation took place where the bots issued sudden warnings about Illinois places I should avoid at all costs.
Spoiler Alert: none of the places in Illinois I was warned about were Chicago. Surprised? I was, too. However, there were several Illinois places that the "machines" seemed to think would be a danger to me for reasons (somewhat) unknown. Here are the places I was warned about:
Cairo, Illinois
I found this a curious warning. What's so bad about Cairo, Illinois? The chat bot offered two words: No Hope. It didn't stop there either. It made a cryptic mention that "Cairo has the lowest elevation of any location in Illinois". Do the robots know about a future flooding event?
Peoria, Illinois
When I dug deeper into why Ai would not advise me to go to Peoria, it only uttered "people disappearing". I have no idea what that means, but I'm not sure I want to go to Peoria to find out either.
Danville, Illinois
I've never thought of Danville as a particularly threatening place, but the robots sternly disagreed. "Double the danger of the national average for crime" the robots said.
Mound City, Illinois
This was the strangest Illinois warning of them all. Mound City, Illinois. What is to be avoided about this tiny southern Illinois county seat? A chilling one word answer from the robots: "Earthquake". I was going to ask a follow-up question about what artificial intelligence thinks is about to happen, but decided that I didn't want to know.
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Gallery Credit: Lost Vlog via YouTube