I once had someone ask me what the retirement plan was for radio people and my quick response was "Powerball". That translates into the reality that I'll likely never be able to retire, but there's a new study that claims Missouri is a better option than Illinois if you can.

When your website is called Seniorly, you'd think they'd know a thing or two about retirement. They have just listed the best and worst states to retire to in 2025 and their list is interesting, but I just want to focus on our part of America - Missouri and Illinois.

How did they determine the best and worst states to retire to in 2025?

They said they used "nine metrics spread across three categories: affordability, quality of life, and health care...include cost of living, income taxes, Supplemental Security payments, weather, entertainment options, availability of doctors, long-term care spending, the community of older adults, and overall health status"

With all those factors considered, Missouri is ranked by them as the 22nd best place to retire while Illinois is ranked 32nd.

Why did Missouri rank higher?

The short answer is affordability. While Illinois has a higher doctor availability rating, Missouri's cost of living and overall affordability end up making it a better option unless budget is not a factor in your decision.

Here's my very unscientific take. I've lived in either Missouri or Illinois most of my life. Both states have big positives and challenges, too. Affordability is a big factor for my family so that would likely be our priority if retirement ever became an option. Now, time to check my Powerball ticket. 

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Gallery Credit: Doc Holliday

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