Missouri Deer Hunting Season Has Lots of Big Changes This Year
I come from a family of Missouri hunters, yet inherited none of their marksman DNA. Too bad as it's nearly deer hunting season in Missouri and this year includes some rather significant changes.
The Missouri Department of Conservation just issued reminders about the upcoming deer and turkey hunting seasons including many changes compared to last year. Here are some basics:
- Archery deer hunting in Missouri opens September 15 and continues through November 15
- Firearms deer hunting in Missouri starts with the Early Antlerless Portion the weekend of October 11 through the 13th in open counties followed by the Early Youth Portion November 2nd and 3rd
- Archery turkey hunting in Missouri opens September 15 and continues through November 15.
- Fall firearms turkey hunting happens in October
What changes during Missouri's deer hunting season this year?
The big one is hunters may now use drones to track wounded deer and turkeys. Hello technology, meet hunting.
The Missouri Department of Conservation has also added a ton of counties to the chronic waste management zone including Audrain, Boone, Cole, Dent, Douglas, Howard, Lewis, Maries, Monroe, Newton, Osage, Phelps, Randolph, Saline, Scotland, Shannon, Shelby, and Webster.
If you have any specific questions about what is legal in regards to deer or turkey hunting in Missouri this season, make sure to check the Missouri Department of Conservation website.
10 New Missouri Laws That Go Into Effect August 28
Gallery Credit: Canva