You have to be careful what you toss in the trash can in Illinois as there are more than two dozen things that can get you busted.

I saw this curious list on the Illinois Environmental Protection website of things you can't throw away legally. Some make sense and others are a little more mysterious.

  1. Oil-based paints
  2. Paint thinners
  3. Herbicides
  4. Insecticides
  5. Pesticides
  6. Old Gasoline
  7. Pool Chemicals
  8. Cleaning Products
  9. Mercury
  10. Household Batteries
  11. Used motor oil
  12. Drain cleaners
  13. Lawn chemicals
  14. Solvents
  15. Antifreeze
  16. Hobby chemicals
  17. Aerosol paints and pesticides
  18. Fluorescent lamp bulbs
  19. Old Outdated Medicines and Pharmaceuticals
  20. Agricultural chemicals
  21. Explosives
  22. Fireworks
  23. Lead Acid Batteries
  24. Controlled Substances
  25. Propane Tanks
  26. Farm machinery oil
  27. Fire extinguishers
  28. Sharps, needles and potentially infectious medical wastes

The good news is that many items on the top half of this list are possible to throw away at state-ordained one day waste pickups. The last dozen or so are not. The general rule of thumb is if you have something that's explosive or flammable, you can't throw it away. If the item has elements that would harm people, animals, the environment and/or all of the above, it also can't be tossed.

You can check out the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency website yourself or talk to your own trash pickup provider and see what it takes to safely dispose of dangerous things you don't want/need anymore.

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Gallery Credit: Lost Vlog via YouTube

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