Never in a million years. That's my response if I were ever asked if I'd like to hang from the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. There are workers that have done it though and you can look through their eyes to see what they saw.

Nearly a decade ago, CNN shared video from the National Park Service which revealed what their maintenance people saw when they were inspecting the Gateway Arch for structural and/or cosmetic issues. Do NOT push play on this video if you're afraid of heights. Trust me on this one.

This is what it looks like to hang from the middle of the Gateway Arch and look straight down. NOPE.

CNN/NPS via YouTube
CNN/NPS via YouTube

As one of the workers repelled down one side of the Arch, this was his view. NOPE.

CNN/NPS via YouTube
CNN/NPS via YouTube

At the time, the workers did not find any real structural problems with the Arch although they did notice some discoloration. Having to exist over St. Louis for nearly 6 decades of storms will do that to a national monument.

If you've never adventured to the top of the Arch, here's what that experience is like riding in the futuristic "pods" elevator.

I'm going to defer to my fear of heights to not do this at any point in the future, but if you're curious, now you know.

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Gallery Credit: CharlieBo313 via YouTube

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