I don't want to be too dramatic about this, but you need to be aware of a possibility that your morning commute in the middle of the week could be the equivalent of driving on a skating rink as freezing precipitation and maybe even thunder ice could happen.

I want to share all of the information I have in front of me right now including what the National Weather Service is saying about what COULD happen in Missouri this Wednesday, February 5, 2025. There is a line of precipitation that will begin impacting Missouri this Wednesday and this is what the models are showing for Wednesday morning around 10am. The pink on the map is freezing rain and ice.

Weather With Travis via YouTube
Weather With Travis via YouTube

By 1pm, the northern half of Missouri is even more impacted by this precipitation.

Weather With Travis via YouTube
Weather With Travis via YouTube

This could even continue on into Wednesday evening although the precipitation is expected to eventually become all rain.

Weather With Travis via YouTube
Weather With Travis via YouTube

What does the National Weather Service say about this?

The National Weather Service in St. Louis, Missouri is saying right now there is a 20 to 50% chance of freezing precipitation north of I-70 which is what the computer models are showing as of this writing. They also escalated their warnings about icy overpasses and bridges.

NWS St. Louis
NWS St. Louis

The good news is the temperatures will be warm enough that road crews can deploy salt to combat any slickness that the sky drops down on the roads. However, you need to know that your travel Wednesday could be a bit treacherous. I'd love to be wrong about this, but would rather you know it's possible and be incorrect than to not say anything and have you get a dangerous surprise on the roads.

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Gallery Credit: Canva

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