If you're trying to get the perfect selfie in front of the tree or an Insta-worthy moment this holiday, we've got some tricks for you. These simple tips and tricks will take your holiday photo taking to the next level.

We've all done the thing where we snapped a quick pic of the family in front of the tree or of the kiddos opening their presents. Usually these turn out pretty average. Let's change that.

Stop taking the same old selfies that you'll never do anything with and instead capture some special moments that will be Insta-worthy to look back on.

PHONE PICS THAT POP: Simple Secrets to get Stunning Shots

How to take photos of kids opening presents

  • Put a phone/light with the light on Facedown in an open present.
  • Have your kid reach in the box like they are grabbing their gift.
  • Put your phone on Portrait Mode.
  • Pull down the sun dial to adjust light and make it dark.
  • Snap a pic of them looking in the box!
  • Go to the pic you just took and click the "f" symbol in the top left to adjust how blurry the background is.

Now you've got a magical moment. See how it's done in action below⬇️

How to take photos of Christmas lights

  • Put your camera on 2x zoom
  • Turn off Live Mode
  • Set Exposure to -2
  • Click and hold the screen where the lights are, and drag down the sun dial to where you can only see the lights.
  • Snap a pic!

You should have a clear image of just the lights. See how it's done below⬇️.

How to take the perfect picture in front of the Christmas tree

There are a couple of fun ways to do this one. For a full length pic, try this:

  • Stand back and lower the camera
  • Tilt the camera up and tilt to wide angle
  • Pose, snap a pic, and adjust lighting/filter to your preference

For a close-up tree photo, try this:

  • Prop your phone up and turn off the lights (except for the tree lights).
  • Put phone in Portrait Mode at 2x zoom.
  • Change the Natural Light to -1
  • Set your timer and strike a pose (or just have someone take it for you)

You'll get a creative shot showing a special moment by the tree. See how it's done below⬇️.

These are just a few tricks to get you the perfect holiday pics. Have some fun tips of your own? Let us know in the comments. Happy holidays!

RELATED: New Christmas Trend Will Brighten Your Holiday (and Hallway)

If you want something to really bring a smile to your kid's face this Christmas, consider putting one of this year's popular toys in the box.

2024's Hottest Trending Toys for the Holidays

We've scanned lists at popular retailers like Target, Walmart, and Amazon to put together this year's list of top toys.

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman

Holiday gifts have certainly changed over the years. See some of the top trends form the past.

LOOK: Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century

Stacker compiled a list of toy crazes from the past 100 years. 

Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock

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