What Face Would You Add to Mt. Rushmore?
It was August 14,1925 that the names of the four presidents were revealed for their future sculpturing at Mount Rushmore. It took 16 years to accomplish the work thanks to the work of Gutzon Borglum and his son James Borglum.
James finished the work after his father had passed away eight years earlier in 1933. The faces of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt have adorned the mountain top of Mount Rushmore for all to see for all these years.
Last September, I made the trip to South Dakota to see this wonderful monument for myself. It is quite impressive and utterly amazing that someone could, not only sculpture a face into the mountain, but do four of them.
It got me to thinking, if you could add one more face to the four already there, who's face would it be? I probably would add John F. Kennedy to the mountain. Who would you like to see added to Mount Rushmore?