FEC Reports Payments to Lawyers From Schock’s Campaign Fund
Former Congressman Aaron Schock has spent more than $1 million from his campaign fund over the past three months to pay for lawyers.
The Chicago Tribune reports a campaign disclosure report released Wednesday by the Federal Election Commission also shows Schock owes about $750,000 to the multi-national law firm Jones Day. Schock had $2.1 million in his campaign fund at the end of June.
Schock resigned in March amid mounting scrutiny of his spending, including a redecoration of his office in the style of TV's "Downton Abbey." A federal grand jury is looking into his spending.
The FEC report shows that in May, Schock spent $22,080 on event space at a five-star luxury hotel in Aspen, Colorado. It also shows thousands of dollars were spent on meals at high-end restaurants and attributed to fundraising-related expenses.
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