Driver Thinks He Can Fit Under Missouri Bridge, But He Was Wrong
I want to be clear that I'm not laughing at this driver. I'm not exactly a math genius either. However, he thought his truck would fit under a Missouri bridge. As Kansas City Police proved in a new video share, he measured wrong.
Thankfully there are no reports of anyone being injured in this incident. It's just one of those teachable moments where you have to fully understand your ride height when you're in a tall vehicle.
The Kansas City Missouri Police Department shared this with the status that "the bridge gives flat tops". Ouch.
Many years ago, I was driving a Uhaul (don't ask why) and it was late at night and I ended up hitting a motel overhead. Pro Tip: get that optional insurance. It can be a lifesaver.
In accidents like this, I'm more concerned about any vehicles that might be following close behind. You don't want a sheered off slab of metal hitting your windshield (or you).
Again, no injuries from the Kansas City Police, so we'll just be thankful that it wasn't us mismeasuring and driving that truck. We have been there and sadly done that.