Budget, Stormwater Issues Top Hannibal City Council Agenda
Stormwater and budgetary concerns were on the minds of several residents who addressed the Hannibal City Council Tuesday evening.
Several people who spoke regarding their stormwater issues were told the fix would drain city coffers dry:
Jerry Lee of 4210 Stardust said he was suffering erosion in his backyard from waterway drainage. Lee said the city had dumped rock for his neighbors, and several years ago, former city employee Brian Chaplain promised the city would help Lee as well. Director of Central Services Andy Dorian expressed sympathy for Lee's situation, but said the city's budget has no funding for numerous stormwater issues that could total in the tens of millions of dollars to fix. The council took no action on Lee's request.
Several residents addressed the council regarding the closure of about 100 feet of Martin Street to thru traffic. The storm drain under a section of the road is collapsing and the roadway has shifted as well. The citizens expressed concerns regarding access, especially in the winter, and emergency vehicle access. Officials cite safety concerns based on an engineering report recommending the closure..
Central Services Director Andy Dorian said the minimum cost to repair the collapsed storm drain would be $200,000, and there are no funds available.
The council voted 4 to 2 in favor of closing Martin St., until funding becomes available to repair. Councilmen Bowen and Veach voted against the closure.
In Other business:
$32 Million Budget gets First Reading
Finance Director Karen Burditt presented the FY 2019-20 City budget to the council. The $32 million budget includes a !% cost of living increase for all employees, with the exception of higher ranking fire department personnel who will receive 1.5%.
Former Mayor John Lyng spoke at a public hearing on the budget just prior to the regular meeting. Lyng acknowledged the budget “didn’t look bad”. Lyng commended the city for no longer contracting out for what he termed the “morass” of the Hannibal Airport. He said annual airport expenses were costing up to $75,000, when for 50 years under city management it cost almost nothing. Lyng also noted the city cleanup was removed from the budget. He suggested the city reconsider having the cleanup, but charge a fee.
New City Manager Takes Office June 24
The council approved a resolution to hire Lisa Peck to serve as the new City Manager. Her salary will be $117,000.
HBPW Pays off Lease Purchase, Sets up Power Purchase Contract
The council approved a resolution to terminate a 2004 Lease Purchase agreement with the Mo. Association of Municipal Utilities for water and electrical equipment upgrades. Approval was also given to contract with TransAlta for future power purchases.
First Readings to Bills Regarding Pedal Cabs and Open Liquor
A request by Cool Byke to start a pedal cab service in the downtown area results in a redrafted ordinance governing "other vehicles for hire". An adult only evening ride would involve a stop where alcohol could be purchased. In conjunction with that request, the open liquor ordinance was also revised by City Attorney James Lemon after conferring with Hannibal Police. Both bills received a first reading by the council.