Quincy Memorial Bridge to Close this SummerQuincy Memorial Bridge to Close this SummerCrossing the Mississippi River at Quincy will be a little more complicated this summer.Harold SmithHarold Smith
Roads Reopen as Mississippi Continues to FallRoads Reopen as Mississippi Continues to FallThe Missouri Department of Transportation announces the reopening of Route E at Saverton Friday night.Harold SmithHarold Smith
Quincy Memorial Bridge ClosesQuincy Memorial Bridge ClosesThese Monday mid-morning updates on road closures in northeast Missouri come from the Missouri Department of TransportationHarold SmithHarold Smith
Quincy Memorial Bridge ReopensQuincy Memorial Bridge Reopens(Quincy, Ill)—Officials at MoDot confirm the Quincy Memorial Bridge reopened to eastbound traffic this afternoon.Wes MitchellWes Mitchell