What else would you expect really? It's not like Illinois isn't accustomed to winters with a lot of snow and cold conditions, but the new Farmer's Almanac prediction says the upcoming winter will be brutal for Illinois in particular.
You really shouldn't lose any sleep over this. Seriously. Yes, it is true that a self-proclaimed time traveler from the year 2671 has predicted that Illinois will be devastated by the worst blizzard in history this year, but he doesn't exactly have a track record of accuracy to brag about.
I'll begin with some bad news. A self-proclaimed time traveler is predicting the worst blizzard in Wisconsin history later this year. The good news? You really shouldn't lose any sleep over this prediction as he's likely the worst time traveler in history.
Have you ever asked a question then immediately regretted it? That's exactly what happened to me when I asked Farmer's Almanac when Missouri would see its first real snow of the season. When I got the answer, I was very sorry for the question.
Do you remember how crazy it became in early December of 1990 when a man predicted a massive earthquake on the New Madrid Fault? It truly became a media spectacle with only one problem. The earthquake never happened.