It would appear that the New Madrid Fault has decided to end 2024 with an odd quake in the middle of Missouri's Mark Twain National Forest according to the USGS.
I've got good news and bad news if you've ever daydreamed about getting away from it all and living off-the-grid in Missouri. The good news is that a place just became available recently that is seriously hidden in the trees of the Mark Twain National Forest in the Ozarks and there are pics to prove it.
If you've been in a part of Missouri where sinkholes are present, you know they're strange enough by themselves. One sinkhole in particular seems to have something else going on as there are reports of bizarre creature activity nearby.
There are few experiences more enjoyable that exploring the more remote parts of Missouri. However, sometimes you see and experience things you cannot understand. That happened to one Missouri turkey hunter who could not believe his eyes when something appeared on a remote road in front of him that he still can't explain.
In a year that has had pretty much every type of weather event already in Missouri, you can add wildfires to the list as there are reports that many are occurring right now in the Ozarks.
Have you ever looked outside after a significant snowfall and seen tracks you couldn't explain? That's how the legend of the 'Devil's Footprints' was born and it's made its way to Missouri through the centuries.
The best hikes are the ones with few other humans around. If you share that sentiment, whatever you do don't tell anyone about a secret Missouri place in the middle of the Mark Twain National Forest which offers 16 miles of trails to hike.
If you're a farmer in Missouri, you know there are a many ways that cattle can be attacked by predators. However, there has to be something huge lurking on a Missouri farmer's land due to the sheer number and method that his cattle and deer are being mutilated.