They are coming. It won't be long now before both Missouri and Illinois are dealing with one of the largest cicada invasions in recent memory and new maps show where they'll be landing.
There are many in Illinois that remember a time decades ago when cicadas were so thick, people had to remove them with snow shovels. Believe it or not, the incoming cicada army in 2024 will make that look like a minor event as experts say the Land of Lincoln is about to see more cicadas than it's seen in more than 200 years.
My wife has already informed me that she will not be going outside to get the mail once Spring arrives this year in 2024. Why? It's because Missouri is officially on the arrival list for a nasty bug that hasn't been in the state for 13 years.
If you'd like to predict the weather in Missouri, you need to listen to nature. One great example is the cry of the cicada. The fact that they've become a constant sound in the early evenings in Missouri means frost can't be that far away.
I'll confess I don't exactly understand what I'm about to show you. It's a dead cicada in Illinois that has almost no body left, but it moves and I have video to prove it.