Pandemic, supply chain shortages and online sales notwithstanding, there are a lot of shoppers who still have Black Friday, November 26 marked with a big red circle on their calendars.
We are less than 100 days until Christmas, and many stores and continuing their tradition of being closed on Thanksgiving so employees can be with their family for the holiday.
It's the day that millions of us camp out for every year. It has the gripping power to turn kindly soccer moms and dear ol' dads into ruthless deal-hungry super sale soldiers. However, this day has been seeing some rising competition in recent years.
I've always heard about Black Friday shoppers fighting over hot Christmas items, but I've never actually seen a fight break out. That might be surprising, as it turns out I live in one of the Top 5 states "where you’re most likely to encounter fights at Black Friday sales."
The Holiday Shopping season is here. In recent years, retailers have positioned themselves to bring big deals and sales during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
I went Black Friday shopping for the very first time last year. Not that I had never been to a store on Black Friday, but until last year I had never gone out at super weird hours; I'd always gone to see what was left over, after the craziness had wrapped up. Last year I decided to give some of the craziness a try.
If we keep it up, there will be specific names for every single day in the holiday shopping season. It starts with Black Friday, then there's Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. I also heard something this year about "Green Monday," but I'm not sure what that is, exactly. The latest day name that I read about made me laugh. "Panic Saturday," the last Saturday before Chris
This strikes me as very funny. Not only is Black Friday the busiest shopping day of the year, but it also turns out that it is one of the busiest days of the year for plumbers. Who would have thought that plumbing problems would be on the rise the day following the biggest pig-out of the year?
A few years back, the Saturday following Black Friday was designated "Small Business Saturday." The idea is to ask shoppers to think local during one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year. Several local businesses in Hannibal will be offering Small Business Saturday specials in 2013.