It's not unusual to see something unusual in the sky, but it is uncommon to follow one for more than 30 minutes which is what a Missouri man claims happened to him recently.
Right before sunset last week, something strange happened in the skies over a small town in the Missouri bootheel. Two UFO's seemed to dance across the sky zigging and zagging around each other as a new video share shows.
Due to the mystique, many people hope to someday see a genuine UFO. A few days ago two Missouri brothers decided to take it to the next level by actually trying to summon an E.T. Their video shows that something answered.
It's one thing to see a strange object in the sky. It's yet another to have that experience cause you to lose track of time. That's exactly what happened to someone in Illinois based on an official report.
It's one thing for a lone person to see an unidentified flying object. It's something else entirely when multiple people see something strange especially when they're all in different locations. That's exactly what happened in Missouri recently.
I'm a born skeptic especially when it comes to UFO's. I was born and raised in Missouri so "show me" is a built-in motto for what it takes for me to believe something. There's a very recent video captured in Missouri over a rural backroad that's interesting for a lot of reasons.
The first time I watched this security camera video captured in a Missouri backyard, I was convinced it was an airplane. Now, I'm pretty sure it's not after I learned that it appeared in nearly the same place twice.
I've seen so many reported UFO's of just about every shape and size, but I've never seen one shaped like a jetpack...until now. Some type of object that does almost look like it's someone with a jetpack rocket was seen recently over St. Louis, Missouri.
This is one of the most fun Missouri golf moments I've ever been able to share and that's saying something. A group of Missouri golfers claim they saw 50 UFO's on the course they were playing yet still managed to make birdie on the 13th hole. Incredible.
Something strange has been happening in the city with the Arch. Or, I should say something weird is happening OVER St. Louis as an eyewitness claims they saw a UFO that was possibly chased by aircraft in the area.