World’s Worst Time Traveler Predicts Illinois Lightning Tornado?
You think you've seen a lot of tornadoes in Illinois already in 2024, right? Well, you've never seen anything like what the world's worst time traveler just predicted. It's a twister set to hit in December that is powered by lightning and moves 800 mph. 1.21 Gigawatts!
It's time for another fun update from my favorite content person on TikTok, Eno Alaric (aka radianttimetraveler). He says he has come to 2024 from the year 2671 and has seen the future. Here's what Eno says is coming in December this year - the world's first ever lightning tornado. Look at it forming over that Illinois farmland.
What is a lightning tornado? Eno elaborates.
There's only one small problem with Eno's prediction. As of this date, nothing he's predicted has ever happened. Good news. You can sleep well tonight after all, Illinois. While I don't recommend you believe a word that Eno says, I do recommend you follow him on TikTok if you want to be entertained. The comments on his video shares are more than worth the price of admission.
Now, back to my work on getting that DeLorean up to 88 mph.
A Lonely Walk Through Another Nearly Dead Missouri Mall
Gallery Credit: NorthCdogg22 via YouTube