I will admit that I can be a bit paranoid, so perhaps that tendency is playing a role in sharing something I've just come across. It's a series of videos that seem to show an eerie army of drones silently flying over Illinois doing who knows what.

I came across these videos more or less by accident today. They were shared by a YouTube channel called Drones Over Illinois appropriately. They have only a handful of subscribers, so I'm one of the few that have seen these. It's video after video of drones over the Land of Lincoln at night. For the sake of brevity, I'll only share a couple for you to check out.

As of this writing, he's shared 22 videos beginning in the middle of October through the first part of December.

Let me take my tin foil hat off for a second and admit there are lots of legitimate reasons why drones are used especially in Illinois. They're now used by some police departments in the state and even some farmers utilize drones for agricultural reasons. Then, there's the obvious entertainment aspect of just seeing what kind of videos you can capture. But, why so many at night?

I have to wonder if these might be law enforcement drones being used for suspect surveillance. I can only guess since there's no way to know unless someone comes forward and says "yep, those are my drones" which isn't likely.

Many fear that this is the kind of technology that will someday be used for mass surveillance of ordinary folks like you and me and not just the lawbreakers. Perhaps this is no big deal or maybe it's something else.

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Gallery Credit: Ryan's Retroverse via YouTube

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