Missouri Trail Camera Shows Bizarre Image of the ‘Moo Moo Man’?
I've seen some strange stuff on Missouri trail cameras, but this might be the most bizarre of them all. It's an image of a person that is known as the "Moo Moo Man"? You need to see this for yourself.
According to the time stamp on this Missouri trail cam video, this image was captured during the overnight hours of September 18, 2024 at 3:34am. You'll see two deer and a man that seems to be glowing and wearing a moo moo.
I've lived in Missouri a majority of my life and I've never heard of an urban legend of a "Moo Moo Man". Yes, we know about Mo-Mo, but not Moo Moo.
The deer behavior in the Missouri trail cam image is interesting as they are reacting to whatever this person/thing is. It's too bad that there's not moving video as it would be easier to determine if someone is hoaxing us or if this is a legit paranormal thing.
My gut says it's the internet having a laugh at our expense as the second image of the trail cam deer was October 1 and not September 18, but that's just me being a skeptic.
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Gallery Credit: Ruin Road via YouTube