He probably had it coming. A new video share shows a ticked off Illinois buck completely drop the hammer on a defenseless decoy.

I saw this fun moment shared by Roberts Outdoors 101 on YouTube in a short video form. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to explain that a whitetail buck in the rut sees everyone and everything as a potential competitor. This decoy never stood a chance.

How long do Illinois deer remain in the rut?

You can always count on feisty deer in the rut in Illinois from the end of October all the way through the end of November. The typical deer activities take a backseat to the males searching for a mate. There's lots of chasing, grunting and then more chasing. As one hunter pointed out, when you see does reunite with fawns, you know the rut is over.

Until then, beware decoys (and everything else) because the bucks will not think twice before they try to lower the boom on you.

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